LYK is the first of its kind application, free to use, for your FAMILY and closed ones, ensuring absolute privacy for the users.Apart from ensuring safety through its protect and emergency features, LYK engages all your family members in such a way that you have experienced never before! It even helps you organize family events, schedule holiday plans and mark your calendar.
• Download and install LYK for FREE.• Invite and connect with your family members and closed ones and start building your Family Link. • View all your family members and their activities on one page.• Share your status with your family, wherever you are, whenever you want.• Get the latest news relevant to your family and share with them, with an option to share the news on other social networks. • Use ORGANIZE button to plan activities and events for your family. • Mark unsafe locations and notify that to your family members through the PROTECT feature.
Although this is not intended to be an emergency app, LYK offers an emergency feature that makes is easier for family members to protect each other and get notified in case of emergencies. On LYK we bring family closer and get the bonding going.